Wonder Woman for apple instal free
Wonder Woman for apple instal free

Rise and shine, sleepy heads! In this episode hosts Eleanor Dozevelt and Katnap Everdeen take a trip to the Land of Nod to learn all about the world of sleep, and dream up a whole new world without it.

Wonder Woman for apple instal free

Hearing an echo even after we’re gone? Let us know by leaving us a review and sharing with your network! And if you want more great content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and check out our website Join our hosts as they crank up the volume on echolocation and explore a world in which humans have to scream as loud as jet engines to see.Ĭan humans echolocate? Can dolphins really see through their teeth? And would men’s stretchy vocal chords make them near-sighted? In our wonder world where sight depends on your ability to hear yourself through the noise, what does that mean for modern lives amok with technology and crowded city-scapes? And how loud would you have to scream to see the stars? Set your frequency to our wavelength as the Wonder Women sound their way through these questions and much more.

Wonder Woman for apple instal free

Get that melon ready and tune your ears! In this episode hosts Mary LoKate and Earshley Olsen reunite to screech their way through a world in which humans echolocate at peak decibels. Where would we get the energy and mass to transform into an elephant? And where would it all go when we morph back into our true form? Do shapeshifters retain their human identity? And what do jellyfish have to do with it all? Tune in as we visit our favorite shapeshifters in mythology, cinema, nature, and even quantum physics to answer these questions and more!Īre we your most liked lycanthropes? Let us know by leaving a review and sharing with your network! And if you want more great content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and check out our website Hosts: Animagic Johnson and Werewolfgang Puck Sit back, relax into your chrysalis, and prepare to be transformed!

Wonder Woman for apple instal free

Gather, shifty listeners, for the great transmogrification! In this episode hosts Animagic Johnson and Werewolfgang Puck check modern physics at the door as they lead us through a world of shifting shapes.

Wonder Woman for apple instal free